This game really reminds me of a previous one from Blackthornprod, but with a much more positive ending for mankind...
I have to criticize the meaning of the game, since I don't think it has an ironic stance, and that the main way to win is to pollute as much as you can to leave the earth to die behind you.
The adherence to the theme is not that good either, since the fact that you have one earth doesn't affect gameplay, and the main goal is to leave said planet for another one, which means that the "one earth" doesn't really matter to begin with.
The artstyle is really good with a doodle aesthetic, a nice color palette, and identifiable buildings.
However, I have real troubles reminding myself on which building is which, and a reminder would have improved MY experience (I won't take my case for a generality).
The game has been really well made for only 48 hours, but I feel it doesn't really fit the jam, and that its core principle contradicts itself.