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This game was really fun & kinda hard towards the end. 

I appreciate this was a porn meme but I'd still love to see more features added in the future, such as a store where you could buy Camming upgrades & equipment. Maybe you could even hire moderators to help manage spam & bots but this would also decrease your overall earnings, stuff like that.

Either way great work! I'd love to see more games like this. 


do you know of anymore game that are like this?

The only other "Cam girl" style game I can think of is HonieCam Studio, made by the same developers as HoniePop. It's not free & I've not seen any real gameplay of it so I don't know if it's similar to this or not. 

I'll keep an eye out for more games like this one though & if I find any good ones I'll let you know 😄


thanks man!


Try "My Distopian Robot Girlfriend"