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Bro if it looks like a child its a child (or teen) even if you say its a 1000 year old vampire or what have you. Lolis are explicitly designed to look like children , its not "just a bodytype". Lolicon literally means the attraction to young girls as a word, the word loli straight up comes from lolita which is a novel about a pedophile obsessed with a little girl

im not saying the decision in this case was necessarily correct or false but lets not kid ourselves, lolis are underage girls, its kind of the point, same way shotas are underage boys.


And the people you kill in games are people too you murderer.

Dumb mindset Might find yourself added here if you cannot differentiate real life from fiction

Lolita was not a little girl. Or what do you think a little girl is anyways? Lolita in the novel was 12 years old. And it was a different time frame.

And to put that into perspective, a certain prohphet married a 6 year old and waited 4 years to consumate the marriage. Also different times. Unless you want to consequently preach to a certain group that their prophet is a pedophile, you should consider such things. Different times, different cultures, different rules.

Oh, and Juliet from Romeo and Juliet, her age in the writing was 13. Try explaining to theater visiters that they watch pedophilia.

You cannot just view history or fiction through your own standards. It is a recipe for desaster.

The creatures in this game are what? Monsters? They do not look human to me nor underage in their setting. 

The whole concept of loli and shota is of course the play with characters not yet fully mature. But it does not apply here, imho. And do not underestimate the concept of chibis.

Context is important. Are the characters considered underage minors in their own world?

If you make a non porn game were you shoot at human children, you might get problems too. People do not like that. I remember Blizzard making kids in Warcraft indestructible for that reason.

And if someone points out that it does not matter and only the depiction does matter, I dare question the sense of reality and fiction. It is not only story, it is drawn in pixels. It does not exist. There are zealots that do not understand this. They are of the false belief that somehow a thing like loli could harm real children (or I suspect it just harms their morals, so they lash out). If there were any such linkage, Japan would be a festering pit of pedophilia compared to other countries. It ain't. In contrast to insitituions like chatholic church. It is those who preach morals who do the bad deeds themselves, it too often turns out.