Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 5! It's nice to meet you! My name's Hythrain. I'm part of the FQ team and a hobbystreamer. I'm writing this review live after having played your game.
On start up, I was a little shocked at the game's presentation. I went into the tutorial, but when the game seemed to be just up and going, with time ticking away, it immediately felt like I was told nothing at all. As such, I would recommend that when a tutorial dialogue box pops up, it should do so as a focal point and pause the game so the player can read.
Once I had gotten an idea of what I was doing, I restarted and tried again. I immediately realized the challenge of this game as both the items you find and the strength of zombies was completely random. I could have the first few fights go easy and I get a lot of strong items, or they could be a slog and I'm deprived of items and unable to continue. I'm all for a challenging experience, but it's felt incredibly painful to get anywhere without cheating for cards. Speaking of, if you have too many cards you end up covering the usable cards in the UI. Not really something that should happen in normal gameplay, but worth knowing.
I want to play more, but for me it's hard to dedicate the time when it's so heavily reliant on luck (That and I have a lot of games to cover). If you can make the game balance out so rounds with a lack of items = weaker enemies, it'd help to make things feel more achievable.