I really liked this! The controls felt great, and the aesthetics all meshed together well. Your HUD really sold it, especially having a minimap that filled in as you go. That's not something I expect by default in a jam. I did have an issue with the shield, though. I assumed it was something I could activate, but I didn't see it in the control scheme. If that's the case, simply adding it to the description would be sufficient. If rather it's something that just decreases damage taken from enemies passively, perhaps specifying as much or even just calling it armor would lessen the confusion. And I would be remiss if I didn't point out a few small bugs. Just to be clear, they by no means make the game unplayable.
When you jump midway through charging the charge attack, you will not get a charge attack. Similarly, you cannot begin to charge an attack during a jump. However, you can jump after the charge is complete and release it midair. On the other hand, I had some difficulties with charging and running at the same time. I tried to replay the game to provide more effective bug reporting, but at that point I was unable double jump. As such, I couldn't even reach the charge power up. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the way the game saves progress? I was playing directly in browser, in case that makes a difference to debugging.
On the whole, your game was very cool. Good work!