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Bug i find going after the 1st boss,  wen you shooting him and if he hits you, the MC put both hands up not sure how or what is making this happen

Did you hold down the Z key? (´・ω・`)?


(Nope, i know how it happens when you are shooting any gun in the game, and get hit by a enemy right before you try to move the gun will froze  you like holding Z but you are not holding the button at all it's very hard to explain because there was other Innocent of wen I was killing spiders and got hit once and I had 27 Bullets left and I was crouching, got hit my character did the animation got stuck and die because of it, the boss did it too me 3 more times after I post what I had to deal with, any other update you give out never had that happened to me.  <mian problem>)

(Also thx you for fixing the screen I told you about but I also find out that one of the buttons is slightly blocking the view on wen you have to be on the far right side of the screen to go to a different place I can show you what I mean if you like but I don't see it was a nuisance, < can be a problem down the road >)

(I'm not sure if you changed the damage you take from zombies and Flys  but I feel like you take less damage and I notice that you can use the spare way more before and the zombies take a lot more damage, by the way can you change the big walking flower zombies you have at the ending because i realize  you take  0 damage and you become Immune of damage and at the ending you can literally walk past almost everything without taking damage and the masturbation doesn't really get effect as much compared to other enemies in the game <what I have seen/noticed big changes or not>)

The only problem I had was that bug wen you get hit wen you are shooting and try to move and can't because of it 

I will try to solve this problem o( ̄▽ ̄)d


Thx you, i will try to see what other stuff you might want to look out for, i will try to see any other bugs that is like this or slimmer to it