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Relax, I hate it as much as you do. Plus, I mostly aim for SubscribeStar (I got banned three times on Patreon, lol). Plus, they are not against furry (they said it, adding that my game is clear and I can proceed with development).

I have a few kinks in mind that I can use even with Patreon. So don't you worry, Ryproar

You hate it but you stay there. 

Trust me friend you will find out how fickle they are. My favorite game dev went to sibstar because they changed their mind on human x furry and dragon x furry.

He was given no warnings or heads up. Plus they can and do stop payments if you get anything they don't like. 

Case in point I got a 3 month suspension for saying I hated them blocking a Russian dev for being in Russia. 

They are fickle. Very very fickle.

You wanting to add mystical creatures will get shut down too for being beast adjacent. I have seen it happen 7 times.


I accept this risk. And I know Patreon. And I hate it. I have a lot of stories like this myself. And I will not put fans above money. I never did (my very first ban)

I am going to post my reasoning for the removal of the dislike. 

You think that your game will get banned for feral content because no one likes it or patreon will get you. You said 70% of your support is through that stifling crap storm of a site.

Look up the following games:

Beasts in the Sun -Animo (beast content mostly)

Teenluma on itch.

Karne games

And Syahata's bad day.

They all have beast content and have huge followings. 

Karnes made the beasts into straight up monsters.

Animo literally has a long line of beast content.

Teenluma just does dog stuff.

And Syahatas bad day has zombie beasts.

The funny thing is 3 of them did have patreon support but they changed the rules several times so they went elsewhere.

Animo is making over 30k a month.

Karne has 2 popular ganes on Steam.

Syahata uses itch and ci-en dlsite 

And Teenluma uses their own site and itch.

One of my favorite games wicked island is here too and they have a substar.

The problem I am seeing is hardly anyone knows about substar or thinks it is not worth their time. In actuality substar doesn't have many issues as long as it is fake not real. Hell they have cub artists there. You could add the beast content but only post it on substar as a patch like Predation did.

Predation is also on itch. They have beast content on substar version only. Patreon can technically block that but if you make it so they have to pay you can subvert that by CHANGING THE NAME. Homelands on Patreon, Backwoods on Substar. 

Oh and randomcrows has full on beast stuff too on patreon. Forgot that one.

Holy shit sounds like I need to make a full research on the titles you gave me. Uh.. Why is there always a dilemma. You either create really gross stuff and earn billions or make regular porn and can go fuck yourself 

It's not really that. Niche patrons pay more to get niche products. Supply and demand 101.

Furry patrons like animal like genitals and feral stuff.

Vore folk like vore most dragon lovers like that.

Monster lovers love well.... You get the point.

Animopron went full niche and gathered the niche supporters. Niche supporters will pay more to get said niche content.

Karne made his game first then added monster stuff BUT to get the niche even further he added feral monsters.

Wicked Island said no feral enemies BUT made beast like enemies that can do feral stuff.

And one on patreon I support 100% since day one is WildLife. It is human x anthro but the anthro are more animal than person. So for instance wolves have dog equipment and felines feline equipment. They filled a niche and still complied with patreon.

I was just showing you if you are willing to dip into taboo you can ask a bit more money for it and most that like that content will pay. That us why those niche substar users do so well.

Add a niche and advertise it then they will come.

F95 zone can show you that one first hand. All the games and devs I mentioned are on there if you want to see.

You know the field pretty well... I remember a few games you mentioned, btw.
I have to say they I thought about our conversation for quite some time. And I decided that I'm not gonna add cubs or bestiality. At least in the next 12 months.
What I'm gonna do is to make game stable and good looking, then think about adding some mild porn fetishes like tentacles. And then I will think about adding niche stuff. But that won't be bestiality and cubs. Just because.. I don't want to add it. Sorry if you were expecting it in Homelands...

(1 edit)

No worries it is your game after all.

I was just showing you the examples. I wish you best in the future. I wasn't expecting cubs or bestiality tbh I was just saying those examples uses it. At the end if the day it's your game.

I get it.  I will drop the subject. Sad that it will just be vanilla stuff since those games are a dime a dozen. Once again I wish you the best. 

Edit: I left your discord since I don't want to bother you there. Like I said I get it.