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Very fun game. Has a Brotato-esque vibe to it, which is nice. Just a heads up, the shark dude is so ridiculously overtuned. He was so overpowered I used him against the enemies with resistance to phys and still easily won. 

The giant jaws can get you up to 900 phys damage easily, the healing means you don't even need to try, and if you ever do get low on HP, just go invincible, and when you go out of invincibility, you kill everything around you so you heal to max.

I had a build with 990 bonus phys, and 2 ruby crossbows, and I didin't even have to move. The boss on the first stage wasn't even able to get a single attack off.

I did try to use the other characters, but since I'm kinda bad at video games, I wasn't able to beat any level with them.


hiii, I feel really really so Happy reading your experience with the game.  Thank you so so much for sharing your experience and for the kind comments!! I really appreciate it!! The shaark dude was really overtuned and I am so happy that you've given your feedback about it, I'll make sure that in the next update, he'll be given some balance and nerf. For the other characters I think I'll be giving them more power ups or buffs.  Thank you so much agaiin and Cheers!!!