I don't review games unless I find them infuriating or very bad, but this game makes a very good exception.
I usually hate, I mean, absolutely loathe visual novels. I just think they're lazy and uninspired, but this one got through my soft spots. I played Overwatch back in their golden days, so I have something of an attachment to these characters, so I'm extremely biased. I don't think someone else who hasn't played the game would get the same level of enjoyement, which I think is fine because that's not who the game is for.
I really like how you've taken the characters and given them their own personalities that fit into this universe you've created. They're still recognisable as their respective counterparts, but still very distinctive from them. Granted, some of them have cliches, but it's mostly well done.
I don't like how some of the story went along, but the majority is pure perfection. Everything from D.va's disposition and Genji's embracement to weebhood. I just think it's very fun to follow. I said majority, because I didn't like Widow's story or at least how it's going. We've never seen her husband in the game apart from maybe comics so he's only an asshole of a stranger who doesn't serve any purpose other than for us to hate him.
The original characters are good too. They seem like something Blizzard may have had in their scrap pile, but I realise they wouldn't fit in any of the games because they're made for this game and that only. The main part is that they fit the game and what it is. I also realise most of these direct parodies will also be turned into OG's if Blizzard ups the ante against it, but I'm hopeful because I don't want to give you guys any more work than you need to, and I also don't think they do that. They've given up on restricting r34 content long ago.
There's mainly three things I dislike about the game, but again, I don't usually like this genre. The first, most glaring one, is the repetitiveness. You need to do all the same things every day, which after 10 hours of playtime got well, repetitive. You wake up, go to class, advance the story, sleep and repeat.
The second part is that while I like the extra gallery content, I don't like what it implies. You can buy complete reskins, and in some cases complete overhauls of some the H-scenes in the game. Why was time and effort put into such massive projects if there's still so much to finish in the game, I wonder? And even with those 10 hours put in, I couldn't buy all of the items in there. Which brings me to complaint number three;
Not enough ways to make money. You can do homework in exchange for money, but you can only do it twice a day with one job being worth $25, for $50 a day. Granted you don't have any other plans for the day. I get it's not necessary as the money's only used for secondary content, but still I would've liked at least some ways to alleviate the grindfest.
But I mean overall, the game was really quite good. I liked how the dialogue was made and how you were able convey different emotions through them, and it's just very enjoyable overall. But you can see that the game needs a lot, and I mean, a lot of polish. I hope that I can see this project completed some day and what the updates have brought with them. There's a lot of perverted potential here.
If you're just able to build on what there already is, this could be even more amazing. Small additions like more donation options for the D.va cam up to $1000 for a very well-awarded prize or more personality to Tracer. That's not to say those things aren't good enough now, I just recognise that they could be better. Really though. Well done.