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Man this is fun, it is much like chess but with more murder. Not the best looking game but it has smooth animations.

Gameplay, this is where the game shines, not a weird or complex idea but its in its simplicity where the game excells, each movement must be thought having your enemies into considerations, they can pin you down easily if not careful and when different enemies show up it becomes a nightmare.

Adherence to the theme, the weakest link of the game, it technically fits it but the game doesnt shine because of it.

Originality, as i mentioned this reminds me of chess as how it is meant to be played and games spanning back as much as Rogue cover the mechanics of array of tiles and enemies move with you once per turn, but its still original given the theme.

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I can really see now the similarity to chess, where foresight gives you a real advantage.

Note that as mentioned in the description, I am the other developer on this game.