Really cool concept, but the margin of error was just too narrow for me. I gave up at the room where you have to shoot right left then right.
Something that might take the edge off is having the purple diamonds respawn after you land. There's a few bits where I would fail a jump without dying, but still had to restart anyway cuz I lost the extra jump.
Also, make respawning automatic after you die as a QOL change. Maybe that buffer stops you from accidentally walking off a cliff or something and dying again, but it's preferable to having to press it every time you die. And boy did I die.
EDIT: BTW, I have some (deeply embarrassing for me) recorded gameplay if you'd like it. It's mostly me getting annoyed and failing the same room over ad over again, swapping to gamepad, then dying slightly less.
One time I finished a room but then died because my record HUD was covering a platform at the top right of the room. XD
EDIT 2: Here it is. I cut about 10 minutes between 1 and 2 because it was mostly me trying to get my gamepad to work. I had to disable a few of my default mappings - MM21 - Micronaut 01