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Well, ya should anyway mate. I'm a dev myself, though my stuff won't get published due to my inadequacy in understanding 3D. XD
And if you do a proper Sonic game, Sega would take you under their wing; I've seen Nintendo go after dev.'s even remotely touching an I.P. of theirs from years upon years ago: If there is another gaming crash, they would not last.

To correct myself; they would survive like last time, but if there's no competition with the exception of the indies, then folks may go to the indie dev's as a cheaper source of entertainment for games that give more for their small budget's like the editor you should try to publish beside your project, should being my keyword but it's your game, not mine, so do what you will.

Well, good luck to ya! I'll keep tabs on your project!

(1 edit)

That's true, besides being too early to do this, I do have plans to publish the game's editor in future, I'm still working on it because the game is just 15% complete so there's not much to edit in the editor, at some point it will become meaningful enough to make it suitable for modding, at that point I'll definitely release it.

I'll be glad if you keep tabs on my project, I post updates around every 10 days