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it's the first time ever i experienced an actual thrill from anything horror. i mostly avoided it and never quite tapped into horror / thrill but joyful, refreshing and voluntary vibe.

and drawings themselves are just perfect. to me they are on par with early Tsutomu / early Miura / Hayashida Q / Inoue — basically world-class. Are you famous yet? Faces, conveying human emotions, acting. They way you balance the detail, precision and free-hand feel, classic manga and screen-ready webtoon thing, making it easy on the eye and always feel being the right size when reading from the screen — <...>. Manga often feels out-of-place when read on screen, while webtoon scrolls often lacks something, while your drawings just hit the sweet spot in-between.

Wow thank you so much for the elaborate kind words! That means a lot to me (especially since people rarely comment here). Btw, my upcoming horror coming will be released this October at Shortbox Comics Fair 2023. Stay tuned (at my social media page) if you’re interested. Once again, thanks so much!