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Is there by any chance that we could have a version that allows dice to come into play? Some people online that want to play this system will not always have a deck of cards 

Ah, I apologize- I'd written the game's systems with card-drawing in mind/the fun shenanigans you can get up to with cards like ties (playing war) and having a limited set of cards to draw from as opposed to the anything-goes of dice. To make a dice-friendly version of the system would basically mean doing a full rewrite of the book and trying to math things out again, which'd take another half year for me to do 'cause I'm real slow ;;

That being said, if you're playing online there's a few options at your disposal! There do exist online card-drawing sites that a GM can stream the results of for a given game as players take actions, and apparently a few discord bots specializing in playing cards- though I can't attest to the latter 'cause I haven't used them before/mostly used a different method.

If you're willing, roll20 is free and also has deck card capabilities atop other niceties/dice functions for other games/custom asset import/etc things that're good for a theater of the mind game like dialtone; I've used it to play Shadowrun and a few other ttrpgs in the past, it's very handy in a pinch.