My suggestion was not specific to your situation, it was a thought how to remedy shortstaffed. Itch making more money means they can hire more staff.
But what you tell is inconsistent. That is this direct payout method thingy. That has nothing to do with being listed or not.
But it might indicate that the staff that handled your inquiry did not really understand your case. Or they employ unpaid interns that do not care and play all day, instead of working.
Example, I told them about an account that posts stolen games. Three times. Always with link/proof that it was pirated stuff. That account is still up and even posted a new pirated game a few days ago. (R-69762, R-70354, R-71648). Or this one from June (R-59565), it is quarantined, but you can still download it. Oh, and of course, that first one is listed and indexed! Similar to this one, R-69768, three games up, 2 are listed and indexed. Their monkey brain AI has one quaratined. And at this point I can only assume that they let a badly trained AI handle this stuff. No human with two brain cells had a look at this. All the while real humans and developers get their stuff deindexed for bogus reasons or no reason given at all, while reported pirtated games are still up and indexed even. Something is seriously wrong here.