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Phenomenal job, this game was oozing personality and uniqueness in almost every aspect. Beautiful, funny, and a great interpretation of the theme. If I had one complaint, it's that the difficulty seemed really high and the one-way roads were pretty frustrating. I think I'd either have the one-way roads + high speed or the high speed and other cars, but not all three in concert. It often felt like I was funneled into crashes that I couldn't avoid. Also, a skip button on the tutorial would have been appreciated, but I adored the radio host. I really enjoyed this game overall, one of my favorites I've seen so far!



Yes, the difficulty is much higher than we would have liked. With the time constraints though we didn't get a chance to make the changed we hoped to do, but that's the way Jams go!

We had a lot of fun playing it and are super happy folks appreciate the effort that went into making the characters stand out!


Totally understandable, and the game was still awesome overall! If you have a moment, I'd love it if you could check out my game as well! Thanks, and good luck with the jam!