Just gave this "short and buggy" prototype a try and I found myself genuinely smiling a couple of times watching the warrior try to make some fairly dumb decisions in the moment. I actually really liked the premise of this game! I would love to see it expanded upon and would happily be a playtester if you wanted some additional feedback. I have been programming and more specifically programming games for a little while now and can probably provide some specific commentary if you wanted it. But for now, I'll leave you with my short review.
- Gameplay: Simplistic but that gives it room to grow! You could probably change the different action options that pop up to add to the madness. Maybe the blade allows the warrior to do things he couldn't normally do.
- Story: While there is only so much story you can really put together in a short experience, I think you did a good job leading me into the narrative with your game description. It gave me a good sense of what I was in charge of as the blade.
- Visuals: I too am familiar with the beauty of stylish programmer art. It's what's kept me from publishing basically anything that I've worked on. It served it's purpose though and that's why we do it!