You are talking about creative work. Calculations are off for that one.
Unless you are a freelance artist that has a commission inbox overflowing you can't just be "more creative" for "longer hours" and earn more money.
The people you describe are addicts. And you should realize an important fact about addicts. They lie. Lots of it. To themselves and to others. They play the bad stuff down and fluff out the good stuff, if there is any. It is a justification mechanism.
Back to creativity. You risk burn out if you overdo and force it. Simple as that. Also health problems, due to stress. If you have fun doing the thing, you could put in some long hours at times. Just look at gamers playing some game for 20 hours straight. Or reading a book in one go. Doing an activity for long is not that unusual. But doing it for long for extended period of time, is something to be concerned about. Playing, lets say, an mmo for 16 hours a day for months is not healthy. It is an addiction. If it is work, that addiction is called being a workaholic. I guess similar effects like the runner's high are responsible.
Maybe start slow by doing regular activities that you deem non slacking. Like doing a morning walk. Get your head clear, get some structure and routine, those should help with creativiy as well.
But I digress. Your question seems to be, if you should strive to be a workaholic. Since I consider it an addiction, you could just as well have asked, if it were a good idea to get addicted to drugs. And because we are talking about creative works, this is actually quite fitting, as there are lots of "artists" that brag about the creations they made, while high. Anyone that cares for you, should advise you against doing drugs or risking your health, so do not wonder that people tell you, it is a bad idea.
But becoming a workaholic is not the same as slacking off less. So do not use that as an excuse to read more manga ;-)