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(1 edit) (+1)

It was haunting at first, but quickly became tedious and monotonous due to constant new encounters killing me without any forewarning of how to combat them. Normally that would be fine, but without any saves and it not being placed early on at the start, it just gets annoying because I am forced to restart multiple times. It sucks because I really enjoyed the art style, survival elements, and the creepiness of it, but its just not worth all that hassle. Especially when it comes to horror, constantly resetting and redoing the same things completely sucks any fear or tension out of you.

Addendum: I mean this with the utmost respect. Please know that this is still a beautiful looking game with great sounds, easy controls, fun gameplay, and creepy elements. I'm just posting my critique of why these things are overshadowed for me.

I agree with you, but this is exactly the kind of game I wanted to make, and some people love it, some hate it.

I'm glad you liked the game anyways!

And that's exactly what makes games well known and loved!  Making it polarizing instead of middle of the road. So good for you!