Played on arch linux through steam (with proton experimental). I guess not being able to save the game is normal for a demo, so outside of that the gameplay seemed pretty good. I played on controller, mostly with analog stick but for some of the platforming the d-pad was necessary.
The controls are very touchy though. At first I used the hair dried just like the phone, by pressing it punctually, and that meant that when I was turning on the raft, the character moved too. Took me some time to realize that I could blow continually, and that this locks the character in place. So many falls from the tiny raft because of that :')
I don't know how far I got into the game, since I got stuck on the spherical robot boss in the north: his circle wave attack gets me every time. 2.5h of playing was a bit much already, so I abandoned after a dozen tries.
Didn't find any use for the megaphone or the cassette, so there must still be a lot to explore. Maybe another day!