hello your computer has viruz
did i get your atention yet? then if so, TRASH ITEMS in 0.6.2 IF ALT+DROP ITEM ON THE WOODCHIPPER while being holded MAKE MINECRAFT CUBES THAT RESULT IN LOTS OF (trash thing only collected with trash bag) MONEY, ITS DAY 7 AND I DIDNT EVEN USE THE MAIN PART OF THE GAME JUST RECYCLING ALL DAY ON EASY++, BRO ITS SAYS I GAINED AND SPENT LIKE 6000 POINTS ALREADY, ;-; my only pastime is watchin that banana moth videos while i do it, wish kerfus didnt die starving for energy in the middle of romeo, sadge, anyway bye, oh yeah also the fact that garbage rolls using 15p when it should be just 12p per godam 12 rolls is a sin and i will find you, and i will explode into gore bad sun jibs:<, wait thinking about it i never brought the store version of garbage rolls so maybe the one at the base is already used, if so sorry i am stupid dumb baby man or something idk, love you bye x2, for guy who make da game, pleaze make so cameras are sorteable and renameable and that arial dating simulator isreal, edit: i learned how to rename cameras, #hellohowareyouwhythankyou