Man you are such an amateur. Think poetically. The solution to the problem is obvious! Well, as a little worm you obviously don't understand that haha. I'm far superior to you, don't forget that hehe. This is your end your waifu belongs to me haahahahahha If I were you, I would keep looking and go where the pepper grows. By the way, here's the solution because I'm so gracious: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Your application description') # simple argument (mandatory) parser.add_argument('a', help='some description') # cast positional argument to int parser.add_argument('b', type=int, help='some description') # option (optional) parser.add_argument('-r', help='some description') # set silent=True if this option available parser.add_argument('-s', '--silent', action='store_true', default=False, help='some description') # parse arguments/options to an object args args = parser.parse_args() Don't thank me until you have more in your pants - no rizzler. See you in Japan with my drip. The dog in the pan goes crazy d: <img src="">
Is this your fuckened earnest???
I can't believe the incompetence behind your code!
It is:
- slow
- imperforement
- bad
Let me rewrite it for you so you won't get fired tomorrow.
List<string> dinosaurs = new List<string>(); Console.WriteLine("\nCapacity: {0}", dinosaurs.Capacity); dinosaurs.Add("Tyrannosaurus"); dinosaurs.Add("Amargasaurus"); dinosaurs.Add("Mamenchisaurus"); dinosaurs.Add("Deinonychus"); dinosaurs.Add("Compsognathus"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(string dinosaur in dinosaurs) { Console.WriteLine(dinosaur); } Console.WriteLine("\nCapacity: {0}", dinosaurs.Capacity); Console.WriteLine("Count: {0}", dinosaurs.Count); Console.WriteLine("\nContains(\"Deinonychus\"): {0}", dinosaurs.Contains("Deinonychus")); Console.WriteLine("\nInsert(2, \"Compsognathus\")"); dinosaurs.Insert(2, "Compsognathus"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(string dinosaur in dinosaurs) { Console.WriteLine(dinosaur); }
Like, come on man! Do better....
Shaking my head eternally.