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I'm not sure you got the theme at all? I didn't see a single gun cat or any microscopic worlds. Additionally, gameplay is very confusing, and it is very laggy. But if it is an actual working MO, that is ridiculously impressive to be made in 3 days :O

I do recommend maybe not having a large scale game for a quick game jam, since the central core gameplay suffers from it, but still good job man :)

I had a plan to make a story about it where the kids would be inside the Micro world and inside Satan's Seret Garden. I actually had sprites of the cats, which were done by another person; they were ready to be added. I really wanted to make it simple and enjoyable. It looks like I wasn't able to finish it on time. Since it's not finished, demons wouldn't fight back. Anyway, your score will be saved if you press the "Save&SeeScores". Thanks for trying it out!