I think this was a very nicely directed piece. I really liked your interpretation of the theme. There really is a whole world inside of each of us.
The premise, art, and music come together to really set the stage for an introspective journey. The bodily backgrounds were all very nicely imagined and rendered, I especially enjoyed how parts of the heart shifted around to let you through and the zoom in/out of the body bookending the story. I also like that the designs of the 'bosses' you fight are not necessarily evil-looking, but can be seen as more neutral forces just like how people can have their emotions be helpful or harmful to themselves as a whole. Easiest top marks in Aesthetics I've given in this jam by far.
The shooting mechanic was interesting. Was the idea to stop to shoot something born from the idea that you can tackle certain emotions or thoughts by stopping for a moment to think? Regardless, I think the idea is interesting and unique, but was quite unclear to me at the start. I had to read the instructions below the game to figure out the shooting. I think the difficulty is tuned about right, but the larger hurtbox of the character in the more constrictive space felt a little frustrating to deal with sometimes.
You obviously put a lot of thought and passion into how this was all depicted and it shows, I think you did a fantastic job creating a unique experience.