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yellow pikmin is way too young i agree

About you I don't really know how old you are and its none of my business, if you're a teen do what you do we've all done it, no ones waited till adulthood for that stuff

But still dont go around saying/implying you're underaged, cause "laws and stuff" and even though everyone did it, there could be consequences 

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Okay, I understand, I just don’t let minors be exposed to other adult games. I know it’s none of your business. And I didn’t say that teenagers can’t be exposed to adult games. Teenagers can be exposed to adult games. I’m not everywhere. Saying/implying I’m underage, that’s all

Anyway when did pikmin ever say he was 9, i read basically all the new post's(and every single suggestion in the suggestion thread) but I didn't see him state his age

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This is a conversation between a yellow Pikmin and another person. The wholehearted Nintendo fan replied to the yellow Pikmin saying “Hey, how old are you”, before the yellow Pikmin revealed that he is nine years old. This is the game link for PICOMIN

Here’s a conversation between a yellow Pikmin and a die-hard Nintendo fan. It seems like the conversation was 2 months ago