Loved it altough I could not get further then that part where you have to lower the platforms with the shock missle the jumps to make are really hard and for now I give up but I will be back.
Just wanted to give you some feedback.
The level design is awesome loved every bit of it on how the world open up(still closed in that big factory) though the difficulty spikes were really steep, wich I would not mind when the room with many raising platform has me stuck and then I decided to learn more about other routes so there I don't mind. The lowering ceiling one lacks a bit of easing to the player wich I think it would be best done by giving a fast route to a previus area or the hub if you want to keep that area with the same challenge without easing the platform section!
Other then that I had a blast dash hopping around and trying different routes, the imposing moving puzzles both physically and on how to be solved. The combat was a nice touch and didn't took made it self unwelcome, most of the time was mechanically engrained in the puzzles wich was really cool.
Great entry with just some polishing and testing to do!