Tried to run this using Wine on linux. After installing vkd3d-proton and viewing the opening cut scene, the main menu background flickers. The game itself only shows an abstract image before my character is presumably killed.
h-hey! arch linux girl! good to see you again!! have you tried using Lutris as a runner for the game?? (well, i guess, technically it would be a runner runner since proton itself is a runner and lutris runs that and others... off topic. sory. heh.) works great for me on zorinOS 16.2(?) i forget the version of my distro sorry but its based on ubuntu 20.1 ... i think =)
anyway, hope lutris works for ya. thats how i run most of my games. now i just need it run d3d12 (dx12). shouldnt be too hard. just need a little time to figure it out. well, hope i helped.