In this game, it seems you must shoot at the red ball enemies to make invisible platforms appear. Shooting the enemies will release green particles that fall on and activate the invisible platforms, making them solid and, in some cases, begin moving, allowing the player to jump on them and progress to the end of the section.
I like the concept of killing enemies being tied to making the platforms appear. However, I was a little unclear on the mechanics at first. In the first section, I only had to kill a single stationary enemy to make the platform appear, so I was confused when I’d kill an enemy later to spawn a platform and a platform wouldn’t spawn or would spawn but not be solid. I thought it was a bug at first before I eventually realized it seems you needed to kill multiple enemies to fully activate the platform as well as be near the spot an invisible platform would be in. You might consider adding text or a tutorial to better explain the mechanic to avoid the initial confusion. To be honest, I’m not sure if I still fully understand the mechanics.
I would also suggest adding some hints to where the invisible platforms would be (assuming there weren’t any I missed).
Overall, this is a neat concept. It can also be quite tricky when the enemies keep spawning and overwhelming you. Clarifying how the main mechanics would definitely help a lot.
Thanks for submitting!