A nice, polished puzzle-platformer. I definitely could see this being expanded into a full game with more levels and possibly more abilities for the drone and such. I also liked the artwork and all the particle effects in the game.
When I first read the description, I was worried about being overwhelmed about all the abilities of the drones, but the tutorial in the game does a good job drip-feeding all the different mechanics to the player. I appreciate that being implemented into a game like this.
There’s a good variety of different platforms in addition to the invisible platforms which helps add variety to the game. The controls and the drone mechanics felt polished.
I did notice some of the enemies’ projectiles would go through the player without hurting him. Most of the enemies do seem pretty easy to cheese as you can just shoot them from far away as they won’t attack you from a far distance.
Also, I wished the movement of the drone was a bit faster when it came to moving back and forth while scanning/grabbing things, but that might be a nitpicky thing.
Overall, I think this is a really solid platformer game with a good amount of mechanics. I could see this being expanded into a full release.
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