Really like this concept, both as a self contained module and the historical setting! The rooms are very flavorful and have fun encounters and puzzles! And the little mini system is great too!
I did have one question relating to the ending. On first reading it seemed to me like it most likely doesn't matter what you do in the rooms that whether or not you "win" will just be determined by luck. Unless you manage to murder all your classmates and take their money...but then the players don't know that going in so they'd be unlikely to do that on purpose. I'm worried that that it might be unsatisfying to discover that you could have just picked the "easy way" repeatedly and then took your chances at the end. Curious how this worked out at your table or if there are alternatives folks have used (I might also be misreading something).
Thanks! I love your work, I bought this game in large part on the strength of Yokai Hunters Society and wasn't disappointed 😊