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Why no sex i ask two times you dont listen to feedback?? 

still after a month no sex? What are you doing developer? what are you using your time developing to do, if not sex? This makes me very disappointed and sad to see. The problems with AAA games and developers have started to creep into the indie scene, and it is very apparent here, with no risk-taking and innovativity. If there is no sex, the game is not fun to play. If the game is not fun to play, there is no soul in the game. If the game has no soul, it is not even worth considering a game. I am deeply regretting even hoping that this developer was different. I see now that he is only a sheep, only following what the masses do, and not thinking for himself, not innovating, not doing it different than the thousands before him. He is only leaving himself to be another mediocre developer, another sheep in the herd. Goodbye, and may you change your ways or always be forgotten, developer.