Great game, just a few minor bugs that might be "features":
If you time it right, you can not take damage from the big knight's sword by being in the middle of an attack such as a stab, only works if you've killed something with a previous attack and then are stabbing the corpse.
the hitbox on the big knight is just a way that it allows you to stand at his base and attack him without him being able to fight back, and as long as all you do is attack, he will not move and anything from behind you will normally die to form his sword and the other knights will line up behind him. birds will fly though, but your attacks should kill them as well. breaks the game a little, at least makes it cheesable :/
sometimes randomly one of your attacks will be super strong and send the enemies flying, still don't understand what causes it, (visa versa, even to themselves) kinda funny and goofy. :]
Don't know if this is supposed to be how it works, but you can kill birds behind you by attacking in front of you. I think this may happen because it seems like the damage is taken if a sprite is inside the little white line that makes it look like the sword is moving super fast.
Also, don't know if this is actually a game mechanic or not, but out of nowhere when you kill a bird, sometimes they bursts will a bunch of colors and doesn't drop EXP.
Finally, it's probably a game mechanic that enemies can deal damage to each other, and it doesn't matter if it's a glitch or not, it's great.