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It's not even that nightmare mode should be the priority.

What I was hoping for is the constant updates in the AI for it to be smarter and more complex, so the gameplay could be even more engaging .


I also hoped for the development of AI, but in the end they left him as he was, forbade him to do a bunch of things, so he became like a stupid dummy, and his only reaction to the player’s unusual way of playing was the idiotically ridiculous “you’ll regret this” and instant aggression in response. Which completely killed all the desire to 'PLAY' with such AI. The author had already given up on the Yandere aesthetics for a long time, but after that he fell into some kind of unhealthy “Necrophilia”, and work on the main part of what was left of the game stopped completely.


yeah, I hate that too.

If they worked more on the idea of "A yandere chasing you through the school" it would be much better, instead of complitely changing it to a fucking forest.

The whole game's premise was that its in school and 1v1. Even the last most with the other sailor kinda broke the idea, but adding anything else outside of bettering the AI and making more to improve it was a mistake.