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Looks great but it's so hard to be invested with this type of girl. For one, her outfit just outright tells you she's a slut, her personality doesn't help with it either.  In short the characters are so simple and so dumb, they have no depth in them. 

(1 edit) (+12)(-4)
The game explains why she might dress like that!
It's an important part of her character, it's actually addressed in the game, day 1 - night :)
 (It's also not that unusual for people to dress like that in real life, especially in the summer)
I know the story won't be for everyone but I do try to give depth to the characters. It's not a quick fap game. 
I hope you'll give it another chance but if not, that's okay too, I appreciate you checking it out.

You lost all credibility crying about 'sluts' with a Netorase game.