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(1 edit) (+3)

Aww. Got xyx Bad End. Wouldn't have changed my choices though; I was completely myself. Such a shame it had to end that way. I wish there were more chances, more wiggle-room to be authentic and still get his Good End.
For example: I truly didn't know whether or not he wanted to join the zine. If he told me privately that he REALLY didn't want to, then I would have spoken up for him.
(Also, I tried going into the bot channel and typing the /hypebot pause thing myself; I wish that actually worked!)

Sal was very nice too, I wish I could have had a one-on-one conversation with him just to get to know him. I wanted to be friends!!

As for music, Logging_Off is my favorite track!! Awesome vibes, love the sweeping violins contrasted with the electronic feel.

Genuinely felt like I was in a Discord server. Great job on the UI. The "save" and "load" buttons could be a bit more clear; I kept clicking on the wrong one haha. Also, the voice acting on the video calls really surprised me, awesome job on that!!