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Eyyyy, an Inform user! A beast of an engine but an underrated one for sure.

On a technical level I'm pleased to see all the usual shortcuts are working (it drives me up the wall when "x" and "i" don't work in text parser games). The prose is direct, so it's usually quite clear what parts of the scene can be interacted with.

I like the little variations the town street has as well, both with the bell and the locals. Makes it feel more alive - though I did notice some townspeople continuing to show up there when, er, they're not supposed to. With a bit of tweaking, the town square getting emptier over time could be rather eerie. (Also had a sensible chuckle over some of the townsfolk descriptions. Bob the Contractor sure is good at fixing problems!)

Unfortunately I'm also unclear on how to progress. Wisty doesn't seem to have an interest in decorating with anything (or anyone) I bring back to the house, and if there's a suitable verb for using the baking soda and vinegar I can't think of it. Still, it's clear what the escalation of the story was supposed to be and it gave me a good morbid chuckle.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing! To clear up some likely confusion, plain corpses aren’t considered decorations (since they didn’t feel enough like actual Halloween decorations to me; maybe I was being overly picky), you have to get more creative in how you dispatch people. The verb for mixing things is “mix” (“and”/“with”), but it requires the cauldron.

Thanks for pointing out the bug. A friend noticed it too. I think I know what’s causing it.


Aha! Got a decoration now, thank you. (I did think it would be a little anticlimactic, but "slash" was the only verb the game suggested for violence at the time.)

Good to know some things aren't spooky enough. Maybe Wisty's taste in decorations could be a good use of the "think" command?