Well, being involved in fictional stuff too deeply indeed isn't usefull for anyone.
As for me, I'm a recent player and I'm still under impression of this game. For an adult game it was enjoyable in so many ways, and the sex stuff aren't even on top of things. First, its music. If a game has nice tunes, it wll hook up a music fan right away. It's a 50% of success. Then plot and dialogs. They keep your interest even if some graphical content are most likely dummy pictures and could be replaced in future. You just don't paying much attention to some temporary flaws, you're interested in what's going on and what will be.
Events of the game are placed in the most near future, and we have a satyrical intepretation of the current Western world. I think it's also what makes the game great. Unlike other games like Cyberhunk 2069, we don't emmerse in a purely fictional cyberpunk environment. Instead we can think once again of how dystopian our current world could get really soon. It's just great. For me MDRG is definetely a piece of art, a statement in a form of an adult game. It is this one game that I will keep on my drive no matter what. I've played maybe another 6 adult games, but they were all too boring or too perverted for me. Also lack of a message or ideas, what MDRG has.
I definetely will replay after a major update, or, most likely, on 1.0 release. If any will be. As for financial support - with the current situation about Unity it's unclear whether this game will get to the 1.0 release. If I understood correctly, a reworked version of the new license agreement will consider many things. Naturally, I don't know how much it affects further MDRG development. And maybe not many developers would want to work with that engine anyway. So let's just wait for some dev news.
And in conclusion. I think that one of the ideas of the game is an ability to appreciate the moment of life. The current free version has 15 (!) endings. I don't know what they all about, and I don't really want to. I don't know what Jun is, or rather why a full-fledged AI was placed in a curvy, soft-looking body, but with a combat capacity. What I understand is that MC and Jun can't be with each other forever. She's meant for something great, while he is, and he will be nothing. Just a guy with a plain interests, nothing is remarkable about him. It's not like his gonna rent or buy a better place to live, move in it with Jun, improve his education, find a matter of life. He's just getting by while life floats away. Just like many people in our current capitalistic dystopia. He's going to die, and most likely alone and poor, just like he is before Jun. All they can do is to appreciate the moment of their relationship. He has to teach Jun compassion and empathy toward people, no matter of how corrupt society is. She also has something to teach MC. But the time will come when they'll have to separate. It's inevitable, so they'll have to let go.