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Hi, we are working on it. Most likely we will release it on Drivethrurpg too so you can get it there. FYI: We are working on updating it and will soon be releasing it on Amazon for a physical paperback copy. The 2nd edition should be ready by the end of the month.

Deleted 132 days ago

Hi pudge_fudge! We have some good news for you: we are launching the physical copy on Amazon very soon! It should be available within the next 72 hours, so keep an eye out for it.

We will publish a post with the link to the Amazon shop!

Deleted 132 days ago

Thank you for your interest in Scopicity! We are excited to announce that the physical copy of the game is finally available! You can purchase it on our Amazon link.

If you are in the Australian market, we have published it separately and it can be purchased here: Australian Market Link.

We hope you enjoy playing our game as much as we enjoyed creating it!