I stop playing at day 15 Path A. Most characters are ok and behaves quite... normal, I suppose. Except for the MC (Dave), I find him rather annoying, especially his inner thoughts and how he makes things complicated for himself and his friends, it's so exhausting that I cannot proceed with the game. Unless he has mental problem and bad communication skill, then it is understandable. Besides, I dont understand how his friends accept his visions/dreams without any doubts. Like, if someone told you that you gonna die or someone gonna die because they see some visions after entering some words into a vault panel, the first reaction should be doubt, or you should think that they are paranoid or had hallucinations. But no, everyone freaks out when Dave reveal those things, even goes find the gun, doubt each others for being the killers (even though they are friends, not total strangers).
Anxiety doesn't work that way, you always second guess yourself things like "am i bothing them?" "i'm just wasting their time", "i dont want to cause trouble". Makes comunication a bitch. As for the vault Oz explains it and mentions he's worried about dave using it because of his nervous disposition.