I have been following the development of this for the last few weeks since I finished Rain Code recently, and I'm glad to see it completed in its entirety! I assumed initially that it was just for videos, so I didn't expect a full game! Was definitely worth the treat.
Firstly, I just want to to commend the developer for actually taking the time to re-create the 3D Ace Attorney games, something is both time-consuming and not "simple" like just throwing it in the already developed 2D casemakers. Pretty much all the major game systems have been recreated, including saving, investigations, trials, examining 3D objects, Thought Route, and even SOJ-related animations such as the slow panning of new witnesses. Without spoiling, there are even new models used. While it wasn't a perfect recreation in a number of ways, giving that this casemaker engine was made by the developer themselves, this is still such a huge accomplishment and I'm looking forward to seeing it polished further!
If you are expecting a simple one-to-one translation of Rain Code's logic flow, then you're actually mistaken. The case has actually been adapted to fit into the world of Ace Attorney, and thus, it seems at least to have been implied that Yuma has no ties with Shinigami for the moment, and thus, without a Mystery Labyrinth, the developer had to change up the flow of logic in trial with alternative evidences. At the same time, it still manages to include Ace Attorney's trademark witty dialogue, even making references to previous games (note: It is best to finish AA6 before playing however, as a major culprit is mentioned at one point), without any of the worlds feeling out of place with the other.
On the critical side, I do want to point out that I have noticed a number of typos through the dialogue, some of which made me pause to rethink what the character was saying, but never to the point where it was unplayable. I also noticed a few bugs such as the 'back' button suddenly disappearing when examining evidences at certain moments, forcing me to restart the game, as well as the save system being a bit wonky. Most of the logic was sound, though at the end, I did think there was one point where I felt it was a bit of a leap based on the evidence, mostly because while anyone who played Rain Code knows about a certain train-related system, there is no full details given to that system to the player who may not be too familiar with the game.
But even with those minor inconveniences, I still greatly enjoyed and would love to see any future work, either with this crossover or even anything related to this new 3D casemaker engine! Congrats on such a feat, and thank you for the time spent making this!