This was a truly great game, great graphics, sound and level design. It was quite challenging, but it didn't feel unfair, I hardly ever felt like a mistake was the games fault. It surprised me with how much content you were able to fit in two days, every time I thought, "There can't be more!" there were more levels! The sprite work is also very nice, all the characters look so happy, even if they are trying to kill you. The controls could use a bit of work, and the fact that you have to press the r button twice to reset was a bit annoying, but overall it was phenomenal. This would be great if it was expanded into a full game with a slightly less steep level curve.
I noticed that the game was made with Gamemaker Studio 2, and so I was wondering something. My friend and I used unity to make our entry, but I do own Gamemaker Studio 2 and was wondering how it is to use. I have wanted to use it for a game jam or something for a while, but wasn't really sure how. Everyone seems to say how easy it is to use and all that jazz, but I wasn't really sure how I would go about making an actually decent game. Basically, I am kind of wondering how you did it. How were you able to make such a great game in such a short amount of time?