So some feedback after playing for about 5-6 hours of the newest update on normal difficulty:
I dunno' if it was done out of spite towards people who were unjustifiably whining that the hunger system was too difficult, but you've GOTTA' dial it back now because it is RELENTLESS.
It is so unnecessarily punishing that I have foregone legitimately earning points and used a save-editing site to give myself a ton of points and then stocked a dozen boxes full of food. I get we need to switch up the "diet", but there is nothing more frustrating than burning through your fridge just to raise your hunger by 5-10 percent because some arbitrary RNG decided shrimp packs weren't what you needed to eat.
Also (spoiler related MAYBE):
I think some other factor or event should be incorporated into discovering the open bunker and keycard. The fact that you can just toggle the lights off and waltz in willy-nilly on Day 1 sort of robs it of it's otherwise imposing presence. Maybe it occurs when you download the Virus signal and it forcibly disables all the generators, thus prompting the bunker to open? Or maybe it can randomly just open one day just as the player is approaching, having returned from doing general tasks. Just a suggestion is all.