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It not just one, but multiple times. I start the game, play a little bit, died and wake up and interact with something and came back, but died again on same wolf.


Okay, I think I understand the problem now.  When you wake up in the dream, don't interact with the tombstone that sends you back immediately.  Instead, go up the stairs to the workshop on the hill.  You won't be able to go inside yet (come back to it when you have 1 insight, the stat labeled with an eye on the top right of the screen) but on the stairs themselves there will be clusters of those small, shriveled, white guys.  Two of those will give you weapons when you interact with them.  You'll get a choice between two different melee weapons and two ranged weapons.  Then you can go back to the tombstone and respawn in the clinic, and you should be able to take out the wolf somewhat easily.  With weapons, it can't take that many hits from you.  


Also, a tip for using guns: they don't deal much damage, but if you shoot an enemy right before they are about to hit you, you'll stun them.