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This game really shattered my heart. I know that this may sound weird or cringe but i just can't help but relate to Nico which made me cry like a lot. My first love, He too has strict parents. I've always wanted to just steal him away, I want to break him free from his abusive household. I wanted to make him feel free, being able to do whatever he has always wanted to do. I want to spoil him. I want him to be happy, and live a carefree life. I wanted to bring him happiness because he was the one who always made me smile so I wanted to be the one who would be that kind of person to him. He was my precious and sweet boy, I love him so much to the point where I'd do anything just to see that pretty smile of his, but times have changed and he changed too. That was all years ago and i'm sure that he has already forgotten about me, but I don't want to forget about him. I don't want to let go of those precious memories we made. He was my sweet and precious boy  and I don't want him to let him go but I had no choice but to do it. It really hurts me that the only way to continue on seeing him was just from afar. We both live on the same town so every time i tried to move on, I would always see just a glimpse of him from afar. His smile always brings me joy but it hurts to see that smile of his isn't for me anymore but for someone else. We're now just strangers, but despite that, I will always continue on loving you, even if it's clear that I will never be able to have a chance with you again, you will forever be on my heart, my love. But i just kept on wishing, and clinging on to hope that we'll be able to be together even if it's just being friends or that you'll at least just reach out to me and just talk about our happy memories, If i were to hear that, I won't torture my self anymore thinking that you've forgotten about me, but no, just like i said, we're both just strangers now. But despite all of that, I'll keep on loving you even tho i know you'll never return my feelings. I love you.