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Wow, what a game. Despite featuring two mini-games of things I happen to hate, you somehow managed to create a fun package. The visuals, sound design, and Dr. Krueger's character are both fun and appealing yet somehow just off in a way that makes the player want to take a deeper look at them. You really thought through all the little details, too; never seen a game dismantle its own "skip" function like that. And the distorted Itchy and Scratchy clips are just perfect! 

By the way, is Dr. Krueger supposed to be a vampire? He seems to have two fangs when he smiles. Taylor doesn't have them, or I'd assume they were a convention of the way that you draw people.

Side-note: The Shell Game is absolute torture when it's 11 pm and you haven't had your ADHD meds because your insurance screwed you over. It took me 16 replays to get all 6 right, and by the end, I was like "No, I've never thought of murdering another person and turning them into hamburger meat... but I certainly have thought about doing it to a fictional pseudo-therapist."