My biggest complaint is that it ends so soon, which is a good complaint. It was so easy to get the scythe upgrade and there just isn't much to do afterwards. Interesting concept though. There's something in the gameplay loop of killing enemies so you can far.
Viewing post in Harvest Hollow jam comments
Thanks for playing. We were just talking about this today, something we thought of is increasing the drops from enemies so you could fill out your farm even more and it would look cooler/feel better too. And then just offset the prices a bit for the increased drop rates. There was going to be a healing item that you had, much like an estus flask etc, but we wanted the game to be cozier so we went with healing over time to a... pretty ridiculous degree. Healing items would have had an upgrade path as well. Then there would have been a final goal of collecting enough candy for the big event: Halloween! Cut for time unfortunately.
I'll check your game out as well and thanks again for playing and the feedback.