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Hey! Hope your doing well. Just wondering if the next Pitch Perfect will be out soon. Love your game!


Hey there, good to hear from you again! And nope, the new release is not even close to close. The good news is that what progress has been made has me more excited about the story than any other release. Things feel sharper, smoother, with what feels to me like the biggest jump in production value of any update. It's like putting on glasses.

I do mention this in the "Not dead; just busy" devlog, but this game won't see another release until 2024, and I'll go ahead and tell you now that it won't be coming out in January.

Still, it has been a little while since I've posted, so I'll include a contextless render from the upcoming release:


Not fair! Now you've got me even more excited for the update. Oh well guess I'll just have to be patient. Thanks for the reply and the pic. Love it!