I love this game, I think it has great potential. I would like to give you some feedback so you can improve the game and make it awesome. I will list first what I think the game NEEDS and then what I personally would love to see added or changed. Please don't take this like a harsh criticism to your game, I just would love to see it be a great game. I may be a little hard because the game still needs a lot of work but I'm trying to be as polite and friendly as possible. Also this will be a really really big comment so I'm sorry in advance.
Changes needed (no particular order)
- Better movement: In my opinion the movement is pretty basic so in order to make it feel better and more natural I think it needs more animations. An example would be like GTA V movement, I know I'm making a huge example since that's a AAA game but you get the idea, just more natural movement.
- Ability to change controls: I find some keys a little a awkward to use, for example the buttons to cover the characters chest and crotch so if those buttons where in the left and right click if would make it a lot easier to use.
- Character customization: I'm sure you already have this in mind but I still find it like something I had to say. Also if you implement this I think it would be really nice to be able to save presets of different characters so you can change easily to different models, like a game called HYPERDEEP, if you check it out you will see what I'm talking abut.
- Better and more sounds: I think sounds right now are fine but I still think it needs more work. The footsteps sounds are kinda low quality to be honest but this don't need an update, you can leave this if you want. The more important sounds I'm referring are: hear the girl moan when she masturbates, hear the NPCs react when they see you and also say something like compliment the girl when she's exposing herself, ambient sounds like wind or city sounds, etc. Basically more sounds to make the game more alive.
- Better camera placement: Placing the camera exactly where you want it is pretty difficult, it takes me like 2-3 minutes to get a good angle. I would make buttons to move the camera when it's already placed or make a button that toggles what the WASD keys move (the girl or the camera). Also being able to tilt the camera up and down would be nice.
- Game modes: Right now the only objective the game has it to take pictures of yourself or let NPCs take photos of you, there's little to no replayability. I'm not saying that free roam should be removed, it would still be the core feature of the game. Adding game modes of course would need different maps or a single map that is bigger with more hiding places (this one can still be the free roam map of course), but also would make it able to introduce an economy system in which you can get money to buy stuff like clothes, poses, hairs, etc; but of course this would mean that you would need to balance the game modes so none of them are way better to get more money than the others so the player can play which ever they want and still make around the same money if they played any other. My suggestions are:
Summary | Explanation |
Points-based Game Mode | You need to get as many points as possible (either with time limit or not) by exposing yourself without getting caught or without filling a meter that rises when someone sees you and slowly goes down when no one sees you, using the cover chest/crotch buttons will make the meter rise slower. The riskier the more points you get (this can be measured with distance from NPCs or how close you are to a road. Main roads give more points since there will be, by average, more NPCs there, just like cars), and the longer you do it also the more points you get, also there can be a combo meter that gets higher and higher the more point you get in a row without being spotted. Also staying in the same place for too long (I would make it like 10 seconds or so) would stop giving points or straight up deducting points so the player is forced to move to a different location risking being spotted. |
Time-based Game Mode | Your clothes are spread across the entire map, you will need to collect them as fast as possible without getting caught naked or without filling a meter that rises when someone sees you and slowly goes down when no one sees you, using the cover chest/crotch buttons will make the meter rise slower. Of course the faster you get all your clothes the better. Also you can make it that the girl is always naked to make it more difficult or she wears the clothing as she recovers it, or you can split them in difficulties: easy (clothing on as you collect it) and hard (always naked). |
- Bigger map: I already mentioned this in the last point but the map right now is too small, there are too few places to get nice risky pictures. Nice additions can be: alleys with trash or dumpsters, bigger objects in the sidewalk, more secondary locations like a dead-end street or dirt roads where not many NPCs decide to go. One location that is pretty good in my opinion in the current map is the in the next picture, you can use it in the big map.
- Make the "horny" meter deplete overtime: I think this is needed because it's what happens in real life and also because the only way to lower it is via orgasm, maybe make it a toggle in the options menu (?). I'm not asking for a simulator of course (I wouldn't mind tho, I love simulators 😉).
- Give red meter a real purpose: When you play in "Shy" mode there is a red meter and I'm not sure what it means, I think is her getting embarrassed and if that's the case I think it raises too slowly. Also I think it only makes the girl blush which in my opinion in not enough to justify the meter, make it do something else, something that actually impacts gameplay like not letting the girl masturbate or pose.
- Bugs: Of course there are bugs, god dammit! I found a couple so far, not game breaking but still there.
- Once I was just playing with the menu of poses and all of that and then the game just kept the menu open with the game in slow motion, then randomly decided to close while I was spamming Z to close it.
- I was trying different expressions and sometimes it gets stuck in one of them for a moment and then back to normal.
- Make an actual main menu: Probably the least important in this section. The main menu has pretty much nothing, not even the options are in there nor the title of the game, in my opinion those need to be in there.
Changes I would love to see (no particular order)
- More NPS variants: I would add more NPS variants, there are like 2 I think and it makes them look all the same, I would rise that number to 6 at least, 3 male and 3 female.
- NPC reactions: I already mentioned this in the sounds section but I would love to see the NPC react to the character, make them act surprised, in love, embarrassed, nervous, angry, exited, call the police (lol), etc.
- More kinks: Just wanted to mention it, I saw you already know what kinks you want to add.
- More animations, poses and expressions: Pretty much what title says, specifically animations when the girl strips her clothes and when masturbating. Also make the climax animation more intense, you can barely see her cum, and add water particles in her crotch.
I have more but they have been already been mentioned in other comments like day/night system or letting NPCs take advantage of the character. Hope this is helpful and can't wait to see this game grow and become amazing!