Looks and sounds cool but controls were a bit unusual.
Having no strafe, while fighting mostly feels like I want to stand behind a wall, step forward and shoot a few rounds, and then get back behind the wall, made it quite hard. I think also having another system for limiting the amount of shooting going on would have felt more fun. Maybe having to reload every once in a while, or longer cooldown between the bullets of something.
I think a more classic approach to this camera angle would be wasd for walking up left down right in the screen coordinate system instead of the local coordinate system of the character, combined with free aiming with the mouse.
Another unexpected thing was that I could back out of the room I just entered. I did that in the heat of battle a few times.
Making controls is really hard, god knows I've thrown a few jams with strange controls. Especially going solo it's hard, because maybe no one will playtest before handing it in, and it's so easy to just get used to the thing you've made.
Great work with finishing the game, and with some small changes to the controls and shooting restriction mechanism it would be a really nice game I think!