Maybe not helpful. To use xbvr on your headset the app has to always be running on your computer. On your computer you should be able to see all your files / funscripts here (step 3 above) http://localhost:9999/ui/#/option
I only mention this because I remember that at some point my q2 would not connect, and I discovered that somehow the xbvr process on the computer had quit and was not currently running. Once restarted the error messages went away.
Then the headset connects to the xbvr server on your computer, make sure the "s" is missing, http, not https - and you have to pick the http://192.x.x.x:9999 option (I tried the other ips xbvr says to use and they did not work).
Also, I have used xbvr on both macbook m1, and windows, and both worked fine with no special settings or configurations. Just start the application, go to a browser window on the computer to confirm the app is running, and you should be good to go.